Friday 23 September 2016

my_variable = "strings" + int(12)

I have today looked into the use that is used for pretty much every piece of code in the world, and the two main parts of the construct.

Variables, strings and integers.

Python is a logic based code that seems to use Boolean logic similar to something that Charles Babbage used in his difference and (theoretical) analytical engine. I am aware that the basis of all program languages is the basic logic of AND, NAND, OR etc. systems and you build the rest of your code around these. I have played a lot of Minecraft, Space Engineers all these sorts of games. That is the reason why I have a base of understand to work into, and that is what I find extremely fascinating about the whole process.

Whilst you set yourself a variable, that can either be a string. Defined by the quotations " " or ' ' which can be used as " ' ' " or ' that/'s ' and other ways I am pretty sure you are capable of. I do not see any significance in using the single quotation when compiling, the double quotation and a mixture of the single seems to me, to be the only logical solution but I may change my mind later on, or hopefully someone will explain at some point how and why.

The same feeling goes for once you are transforming either a string or an integer into the other. Unless you were specifically trying to find something, say in a folder or a file that held a specific piece of information, what purpose they would have.

The use of raw_input has shown how the possibilities of actually combing strings and integers to create a possible program that could take human input and store it to have some form of actual usefulness. The work flow within the seems to only show you specific parts and not how you can use them in actual practice, why?
Does anyone learn coding not to actually do anything with it, and if so, once again. Why? So this process once again seems to show very little need to keep going.

If a child learn how to speak Klingon, even though the one who taught him will speak with him, he will soon realise that it has no basis or actual purpose in everyday life so stop speaking it, and go with the tongue that is most spoken in that area.

Taking that logic, why would the home website for python not engage you into actually being able to use the skills they are teaching, practically. This is what got me starting and stopping over and over, there was no basis of constructive progression, so on my 4th time on starting again, I am still using learnpython but also learning from code academy and Khan Academy, combining these websites to get a better understanding of what I am learning.

Whilst the understanding of what variables are, and how you can apply values to them has given me a better sight into progressing into the world of coding, understand how you would start your code and what you could possibly do to make sure it works.

To tomorrow!

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